Hi, I’m Sajib.
I specialize in software backend development.

What am I good at?

Besides having super awesome beef-cooking & code-debugging skills, I follow popular design trends, I’m proficient in different respository tools and in my free time I play around with neural networking and AI. Of course there’s more:

  • core language

    Being formally trained as a computer engineer, I am quite decent with C, C++, Java, PHP, & NodeJS languages.

  • web technology

    Using WordPress, JavaScript, JQuery & Websocket, I can implement any client or server side feature.

  • framework

    With a comparative strength in PHP, I have 3 years+ exprience in Yii1 and Yii2 web application framework.

  • advanced skill

    I regularly work with Redis, MongoDB, CouchDB, Elastic Search, Solr, Machine learning & Data mining.

Where have I worked?

Freelancing is liberating, but working for different companies, surrounded by genius colleagues has helped me grow a lot.

  • Web Developer

    Here, I developed Votekiosk, an iOS app & also an online scholarship management system.

  • Senior Software Engineer

    For Inflack Ltd. I worked on ecommerce app & SaaS development, as well as code documentation.

  • Web Lead

    In Ice9 Interactive, I developed custom APIs, analytics platforms & web apps for telecom operators.

Do you wanna talk?

I’m currently available to work on freelance projects.